What's up; welcome to the first installment of the Art Pros Self Help Blog for Artists and Interns. A.P.S.H.B.A.I. for short. We come to you with a delectable post on how to set up the ideal artist's studio. As an artist, studio spaces are incredibly important especially if you are in bustling cultured-cities like New York, Baltimore, Detroit, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Miami. Below is a step by step list on how to make it as an artist looking for the Ideal Studio Space.

First of all you need Space. Look for city-scapes rife with gentrification and avoid them at all costs! You may love the coffee shop next door; particularly the reclaimed wood and iron pipe light fixtures, however with each new marijuana dispensary comes a yearly raise in cost-of-rent.

A nice sturdy table is a must if you are going to make it as an artist! If you are looking to build your own table we suggest following this tutorial by youtuber________.

How are you going to work if you're in the dark? Make sure to spend most of your parents weekly allowance on light fixtures (and beer, if you're of age...that brewery is a local business after all!)

MOOD; VIBES, SWAG, SAUCE, STYLE, DRIP, SOUL, METHOD, KUNDALINI/CHI, REIKI, PROBIOTICS... these are all important must-haves when building the ideal artist's studio space. Visitors need to know that not only are you intellectual, but also you are an authentic down to earth, salt-of-the-earth, spiritual, uber-being with a chill, microbrewed frequency.

The tools your studio carries reflect just how galaxy your brain really is. Do you want to show that you are not only handy, but also precise with your intellect and skill? Stock a hammer AND a magnifying glass, next to a stack of unfinished The New Yorker magazines; the subscription for which came with your sweet LTD EDITION New Yorker Tote.

You're an artist! Organization is not for creative people. Do you think STEVE JOBS was orgnized? Do you think ALBERT EINSTEIN cared whether or not his microscope stayed clean? Remember the messiness of a room is directly correlated to the highest of IQs and if you happen to prefer cleanliness you are likely some basic CHAD with the inability to see the GENIUS in CHAOS. If you've made it this far, you likely have the IDEAL studio Space and you are ready for your MOMA retrospective. If you haven't quite made it that far in your art career yet, then we suggest heading over to Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Stitcher to check out The Art Pros Podcast to strengthen up your art career. We are always looking for interns. Keep an eye out for Part 2 of Building the Ideal Artist Studio